Making space for creativity and wellness, one teacher at a time.
As art teachers we struggle to find time for our own creative journey despite teacher our students the importance of art making... An art teacher wellness coach is all you need!

Lighten the load by using our art teaching resources. A variety of activities, classroom decor, lesson plans, projects, activities, rubrics and more. Saving you time to do what you do best… Create and inspire!

Helpful tips and tricks on how to lower your teacher stress and squeeze in some time for your own wellbeing. Check out our blog and resources for quick recipes, easy hacks for your mental health and fitness. When you are at your best, you can best serve your students!


Teacher prep can be overwhelming and time consuming, especially when you are an art teacher! There are so many factors to consider when creating art projects for your students, from sourcing materials to testing new art media and techniques. Using our resources will ensure successful lessons and projects, allowing time for student connection. Through personal interaction an art teacher can truly aid students in a meaningful creative journey of their own. 


Teachers love to give! It is in the heart of a teacher to serve others and what a wonderful character trait this is! It, however can lead to compromising ones healthy and wellbeing. As an art teacher, taking regular time for ones creative outlet can feel like a distant memory and often seem impossible with the loaded stresses and time constraints that goes along with the teaching profession. Reading our blog will hopefully provide tools to assist in healthy habits and routines to schedule time for your health and art making. 


It is so important to feed your mind, body and soul. It is amazing how as teachers we ensure a safe, healthy and creative environment for our students to thrive however, we do not treat ourselves the same way. Allowing the students to explore, create, make mistakes, with endless opportunities to try again.  We ensure a healthy schedule, time for play, rest, work hard. Time for solitude and time for collaboration. Time to move their bodies and get some sun and fresh air. This and so much more. Should we offer the same to ourselves? Don’t teacher need this even more than the students do? Because we can’t give from an empty cup! Follow us for inspiration on living a healthy and creative teacher life.  

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